The Great Gatsby
At the end of the unit we were given the assignment, either by ourselves or with a partner to create a gossip magazine about the characters in the story. Our teacher showed examples of some of past projects and they were all basically.... type an article....paste a picture in it. I instantly wanted to go above and beyond this and knew exactly who I wanted to be partnered with... if she was willing.
Kellie & me had done a 1920's Flapper Shoot a couple months back and I knew she liked to model and she knew I liked to shoot models; it was a match. We both agreed on partnership and we waited for the ship to sail.
We had to play multiple characters so bare with me, all photos were shot with my 580EX II off camera being triggered by my Cybersyncs. We both had a lot of fun doing this although it was rainy and freezing the only time we had to shoot. I felt bad for Kellie as she was in a dress outside most of the time.
Daisy receiving the letter from Gatsby the day of her marriage.
Jordan, the pro golfer.
Jordan, cheating her way to victory.
Nick and Jordan
Myrtle Wilson, before death.
The Death Car
Portrait of Jay Gatsby
Here is the cover to the magazine I created:
Thanks for looking,
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