Apr 08 2009

Before We Say Goodbye

Hello everyone... Last week I was contacted by my uncle, he asked me if I would not mind doing a family portrait shoot for them. I had never done a family shoot before and was more then willing to do this for them. Like I said in a previous blog, 2009 seems to be the year of new things for me.

As we talked, he began to explain the occasion for the shoot. The reason being is that their golden retriever Alex is dying of
cancer and they do not know how much longer he has. They wanted to ha
ve some photos of them with him before he passes. I'm
extremely sympathetic on this subject because a couple years back my golden retriever Gunner had passed away from cancer as well.

Losing a pet is like losing a family member who is always their for you and loves you unconditionally. It is extremely difficult and many often wonder why they leave so soon. The answer is because, when people are born, they are born to learn to live good lives and to love, this in turn can take a long time. But when animals are born, they are born already knowing how to love and there for do not need to stay with us as long.

I hope that gives those out their currently grieving a loss of a loved pet some conclusion, because the statement is so true.

It was difficult for Alex to sit up for long periods of time and he much preferred to lay down, so that is how we continued the shoot.

A lot of the time, Alex would get very much into it and instead of just laying on his side, he would roll over on his back so they would all rub his belly.

This photo is probably my favorite frame from the entire shoot.
There is just something about the way Missy and Alex both look that just make this a great portrait.

Alex managed to sit up for a couple of seconds before laying back down, so I made sure to get a portrait of him as well. I think he looks quite regal in this photo.

As I shot the final frames of Alex with his mom, I began to hear him moan. I was told that only when Judy would pet and rub him would he softly make the noise. It was so sweet.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by, be safe.


2 Response to "Before We Say Goodbye"

  • Caryn Says:

    That shot of the little girl and the dog is priceless. There's so much character in their expressions. Well done!


  • Mary Marantz Says:

    I'm crying as I read this! We also have a golden and I just can't imagine what it would be like to lose him. What a great thing you did and I love that quote! So true!

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