I dont know about everyone else but I am ready for summer and in the city of ever changing weather it has come...well for a few days at least. It has been cold for a while and now out of nowhere, for this weekend it is in the 80's! The suns shining and feeling good but I know it will most likely not be staying because this is Erie after all.
I figured this blog post would be a good time to introduce you to two loves in my life besides photography and they are my two dogs, Ruger & Bella (I do love my cat Princess as well but she is not as photo friendly as these two). Ruger is our 3 1/2 year old Black (Bench) Lab and Bella is our 9 month old mixed Black Lab/Australian Shepherd (we think)!?
We got Ruger a few months after Gunner had past away, it was just to difficult living without a dog. This time around when choosing a puppy we were very particular. We researched breeders and bloodlines until we found a one that was reputable. We were going for a bench lab, much like ones you would see in the Euckanuba Dog Shows. The plan was to look at the parents first before even seeing the litter, that way we knew what he could potentially grow up to look like.....this was not the case. By accident my mother was shown the litter first and as soon as she saw them she began bawling her eyes. We knew we would not be going home empty handed no matter what. It turns out Rugers parents were beautiful and came from a good bloodline and he is one of the greatest dogs in the world. Oh and his nickname is "Gene Simmons" for some obvious reasons, he he.
Bella on the other hand
is our stray rescue pup. My dad had found her on his way home from work when she was only two months old. She was just walking along the railroad tracks on the East side of Erie, in a not so great neighborhood. We tried to find her, her original owners but no luck. In the end we decided to keep her as we all had grown very attached. We have a nickname for her as well and that is "Bella Lugosi" on the fact that when she plays with Ruger she makes an awful face and looks like a vampire bat, just like Bela Lugosi did in his movies when he was a vampire.
So as the weather is nice and they have been cooped up inside for a while now I decided to take the two on a walk to a local park. We all had a great time and I was able to get some photos of the two. After we had left the park and I drove away, I saw a guy speeding up and try to pass me ( I thought) But he was only trying to let me know I left my bag on the trunk of my car....my heart raced because I had left all my camera gear on the back and I was so thankful for him and for the fact that it had not fallen off. I was just about to turn onto a busy street and it was rush hour. That would not have made for a fun Friday. So without further ado here are two of the loves of my life.

Happy Saturday everyone,
Hello everyone... Last week I was contacted by my uncle, he asked me if I would not mind doing a family portrait shoot for them. I had never done a family shoot before and was more then willing to do this for them. Like I said in a previous blog, 2009 seems to be the year of new things for me.
As we talked, he began to explain the occasion for the shoot. The reason being is that their golden retriever Alex is dying of
cancer and they do not know how much longer he has. They wanted to ha
ve some photos of them with him before he passes. I'm
extremely sympathetic on this subject because a couple years back my golden retriever Gunner had passed away from cancer as well.
Losing a pet is like losing a family member who is always their for you and loves you unconditionally. It is extremely difficult and many often wonder why they leave so soon. The answer is because, when people are born, they are born to learn to live good lives and to love, this in turn can take a long time. But when animals are born, they are born already knowing how to love and there for do not need to stay with us as long.
I hope that gives those out their currently grieving a loss of a loved pet some conclusion, because the statement is so true.
Hey everyone! Last Sunday I began working on a project that entitled me to incorporate my photography with design work. For English we had just finished reading "The Great Gatsby". I found it be a excellent novel compared to the ones we are use to reading *cough* The Scarlet Letter *cough*.
At the end of the unit we were given the assignment, either by ourselves or with a partner to create a gossip magazine about the characters in the story. Our teacher showed examples of some of past projects and they were all basically.... type an article....paste a picture in it. I instantly wanted to go above and beyond this and knew exactly who I wanted to be partnered with... if she was willing.
Kellie & me had done a 1920's Flapper Shoot a couple months back and I knew she liked to model and she knew I liked to shoot models; it was a match. We both agreed on partnership and we waited for the ship to sail.
We had to play multiple characters so bare with me, all photos were shot with my 580EX II off camera being triggered by my Cybersyncs. We both had a lot of fun doing this although it was rainy and freezing the only time we had to shoot. I felt bad for Kellie as she was in a dress outside most of the time.