May 14 2009

Elliot, My Little Pa-Tot

Hey everyone! In my last post I introduced to the world wide web Elliot Allen Fay my brand new nephew. I told you that soon within the week I would be doing an OFFICIAL newborn shoot with him and that he would be my first. See I didn't lie when I said 2009 would bring new things for me it did, because yet a again here is another "2009 Scott's gunna photograph something new" thing. So mama and papa (aka: Kelli & Don, the new parents) were going to come over to the studio.... yes I call moving all my furniture out of my living room and setting up lights and backdrops, my studio =]!

So I get all set up and everyone comes over, Grandparents, Great Grandparents, I had an audience as I shot. I began with the white background and everything was going great, he was looking as cute as ever until........he pooped all over my white fleece blanket, then he peed all over mom who was coming to pick him up. No fear though, I took it over to the sink and washed it off and blow dried it so we could continue using it. By the time we moved to the black backdrops he was completely pooped out (literally) and slept through the entire rest of the shoot. But by the end it was hard to get him to cover his privates and all he wanted to do was just praise Jesus and spread his legs wide open. Overall it was a great time and experience and I would absolutely love to do it again.

Don jumped in the last frame and gave a thumbs up for a shoot well done!


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