Jun 28 2009

Taylor (Senior 2010)

She said she was not photogenic..........well was she wrong.

About three month ago I was approached by one of my best friends Taylor. As she began to speak she became instantly shy and told me she a had question to ask me. She was slightly apprehensive about whatever this question was and used a lot of ...................... "well".."um".."well".."you don't have..". So I asked, "What is it Taylor?" and she finally began to speak in a full sentence and asked, "Would you like to be my photographer for my senior pictures?" I was SO happy when I heard her say this. I didn't let her wait for my response and I said yes. As soon as I responded her face lit up and she gave me a big hug. I later asked her why she was so nervous about asking me and she said "I was afraid you wouldn't want to take pictures of someone who is not photogenic." I laughed and told her she will look great!

The day had finally come and we were both excited about the shoot, although Taylor wasn't to thrilled about about having to wake up at 8:00am and get ready. She apologized to me about not being photogenic and I assured her everything would be just fine. As I predicited everything turned out great about the day except for the cloudless sky and endless sun, but Taylor did an amazing job none the less. She wanted me to always direct her on posing, which I fully intended on doing, but in front of the camera she naturally began posing on her own and showed a confidence in herself that really can be seen through her photos.

She said she was not photogenic........well she was wrong.

For the last frame she said she wanted a picture with a horse and she chose Sunbar. I told her that he really is not a photogenic horse but she still wanted one with him. This was just a funny shot not meant for the series but none the less is cute. He really is not photogenic. =)

Thanks for stopping by,

Jun 05 2009

Ryan: Modeling

Hey everyone, its been about a month since my last post and I think its due time. This past weekend I had the chance to take a little vacation with my family and go to Pittsburgh, PA. I really love the city, maybe ita something in the air, and I don't mean the supposed pollution. None the less I find that it has so many great and fun places, especially ones to photograph people.

One reason why we went down was to support my cousin in his modeling competition. He is trying to break into the industry early and is interested in all the fields but has a particular interest in acting. After the competition was over and the talent agents were reviewing all the contestants, he had gotten two "call backs" and both had been to act in a movie and a commercial. We were all happy and proud of him. Both of the agents requested recent head and body shots from him which he did not have, so they turned to me and I was more then happy to help! Whats that readers....?....I, I think I hear another brand new thing Scott has shot in 2009! This year just keeps on bringing. That's right, I had never shot a guy for an entire shoot just by himself, especially one for modeling. I was a bit nervous but I began to do some quick studying on posing for a male model and with the sunlight leaving us quickly we set off for a photo shoot.

Overall the shoot went quite well, as Ryan is still new to all this as well. We chose the photos we liked that night and sent them off to the agents. Less then twenty four hours later they responded and were sending him a script. Mission complete!

Thanks for stopping by,