Mar 29 2009

New Blog, New Career

Hey everyone! My name is Scott Baker and I'm Lifestyle Photographer who is currently located in Erie, Pennsylvania, the city of never ending weather change. I will be using this blog to help document my time as a photographer, as well as a way to document my life as it unfolds. From this blog I hope to achieve the readers understanding of just who I am as a person. So without further ado....

Some may know that in less the a month I am going to be a first time uncle! I'm absolutely enthusiastic about this and cannot wait for my nephew Elliot Allen Faye to come into this world. I'm going to get him started on the camera young....I can see it now, lol. But as we wait my sister Kelli & her fiance Don agreed to do a maternity shoot. This was a first for me, as many things seem to so far in 2009 and I had a blast shooting them.

Don since the beginning of the shoot kept wanting to do a fighting pose and finally by the last frame we were able to get Kelli to join in and it actually turned out cute.

Thanks for stopping by,